Dear Parents
It has been so lovely to see everyone again after the summer break! The school has been buzzing with the sound of children’s voices and there has been great excitement about all the “changes” which have brought us more back to our previous normality!
Children in KS1 have told me that their “best bits” have been seeing their friends, playing games together and using the newly upgraded IT equipment! In KS2, I have heard that they have enjoyed being back to school lunches (the kitchen were pleased to hear!), RE lessons, creative challenges (with playdoh!) and (heartbreakingly!) not having to go to the toilet as a whole class! For staff, we heard the children singing “Sing hosanna!” all together in the new hall - the whole school together in there for the first time – and we were so delighted to have our lovely community of learners, believers and friends back together again. Such a wonderful first week back!
Looking ahead
It is so good to be able to plan ahead with our usual busy school calendar. I would just caution parents that everything remains provisional, as none of us know quite how the term will pan out. We are planning for normality and will do all we can to deliver that safely.
Five particular events to make parents aware of at this stage:
Outdoor Sunday Family Mass for Start of Year (As advised last term)
On Sunday 19th September, Fr Richard will be saying Mass at school (outdoor if it is fine) for the start of the new academic year. Following Mass, there will be a picnic on the school field and all family members are very welcome. Our new parish priest at St Erconwald’s, Fr Ruslan, will also be present at the picnic.
All children who made their First Holy Communion over the summer are invited to join us in their First Holy Communion outfits, so that we can celebrate the First Communions made in both parishes all together in school. Year 6 children will be supporting Fr Richard with the ministries for the Mass – Reading, Offertory etc – and our Prayer Council will be commissioned. Children will be involved singing in the choir and as altar servers. We are especially looking forward to welcoming our Reception children and their families into our school community for the first time at Mass! All are welcome!
Partners in Learning
Our usual Partners in Learning evening will take place in person on Wednesday 22nd September. This is an opportunity for parents to see our new school hall and to visit their child’s classroom and speak to their teacher. By necessity, we are keeping teacher presentations in the hall very short and classrooms will be open half an hour before and half an hour each year group’s hall slot. Teachers will be outdoors by their classrooms during this time and parents are very welcome to visit the classrooms with their children. Our presentation times will be:
4-4:15 – Year 1
4:20 – 4:35 – Year 2
4:40 – 4:55 – Year 3
5 – 5:15 – Year 4
5:20 – 5:35 – Year 5
5:40 – 6 – Year 6
We appreciate that families with siblings will find the fixed slots difficult and advise that in the case of a number of siblings, parents try to attend at least the slot for their eldest child. Presentation slides will be made available for all presentations after the event.
Partners in Learning for YR will take place at 8:45am on Wednesday 22nd September in the school hall immediately after drop off as Reception parents have all met with their class teachers very recently on the home visits.
New First Friday Masses for Families
Friday Family Masses are starting at St Erconwald’s, with the arrival of our new parish priest! Year 3 will be our first year group to lead the Mass and parents and children will meet together at 8am on Friday 1st October at St Erconwald’s. Children in all year groups and younger siblings are welcome to attend with their families and we will then walk down to school together after Mass.
The next First Friday Mass will be on Friday 5th November and that will be led by our Year 6 children.
Parent Consultations
Parent feedback on virtual parent consultations was very clear that parents would prefer to have face to face discussions about their primary age children and have the opportunity to see their books. It is not practical to have some virtual and some face to face discussions on any given evening and for that reason we are planning to hold face to face consultations this Autumn, with the insurance of our “School Cloud” software to fall back on if necessary. We will review the situation nearer the time, but please hold the dates for now!
New Bank Holiday
Xavier Directors have agreed that in line with Surrey school holidays, Xavier schools will take the additional bank holiday on Friday 22nd October 2021. This will be added to the term dates information on the website, but please note it now. We will therefore break up for October half-term on Thursday 21st October.
Thank you so much for your support during this first week back. Staff are delighted to have the children back in school and we are all enjoying the return to near-normality! Long may it last.
Please remember in your prayers the families of our Reception children who will be starting to come into school for the first time from Monday. We wish them every happiness during their time at Cardinal Newman! I know you will make them very welcome.
All best wishes for the weekend
Mrs Burnham