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School News

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  • 23/10/24

    Coral Class Forest School

    Coral had a great time on Tuesday afternoon at Forest School. They investigated slugs and snails, watched them create slime trails on plastic sheets using their large foot and then raced them in own Snail Championship! In their free time they made brownies in the mud kitchen, carried on hunting for...
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  • 18/10/24

    Green Class Mission Week

    Green Class had their Class Mission Week last week.  The theme was Our Lady of the Rosary. We know how important the Rosary is. The children enjoyed learning that Our Lady is honoured around the world.  The children also enjoyed hearing and praying the Hail Mary in the languages of their f...
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  • 15/10/24

    Ruby Class Forest School

    Ruby class enjoyed a dry Forest school session and found loads of snails and slugs. We identified different types, looked at their footprint and how they move on Perspex sheets noticing the slime trail. We even raced snails against slugs - slugs won! We then had free time to bug hunt, play in t...
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  • 08/10/24

    Amethyst Class Mission Week

    Amethyst Class engaged with interest and enthusiasm during their recent Mission Week. As every year, Year 6 were entrusted with the very special mission of welcoming new members of the community to our school. To help our new Reception children settle into life at Cardinal Newman School, Amethyst ca...
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  • 02/10/24

    Violet Class Forest School

    Violet class had a rainy afternoon on Tuesday hunting for Snails and Slugs. We identified where they lived, and watched them move their foot on plastic sheets. We could even see the slime trail that they left. We then enjoyed our free play time, finding different mini beasts, playing with the water...
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  • 26/09/24

    Year 2 Lego Workshop

    On Thursday Yr2 took part in a Lego workshop to support their DT topic of 'Mechanisms'. They enjoyed designing cars and testing them for stability. For more photos, please click here.
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  • 25/09/24

    Blue Class Forest School

    Blue class enjoyed their first Forest School session of the year by getting close to Snails and Slugs. We identified where they lived, and watched them move their foot on plastic sheets. We could even see the slime trail that they left. We then enjoyed our free play time, making our own slugs, findi...
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  • 18/09/24

    Green Class Forest School

    Green class enjoyed the first Forest School session of the year getting close to Snails and Slugs. We identified where they lived, and watched them move their foot on plastic sheets. We could even see the slime trail that they left. We then enjoyed our free play time, making our own slugs, finding d...
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  • 11/09/24

    Yellow Class Forest School

    Yellow class enjoyed the first Forest School session of the year getting close to Snails and Slugs. We identified where they lived, what type we found and watched them move their foot on plastic sheets. We could even see the slime trail that they left. We then enjoyed our free play time, making our...
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  • 18/07/24

    Year 6 - Prayer Council

    On Monday 15th July members of the Year 6 Prayer Council accompanied by Mrs Sharp, Mrs Burnham and Fr Bill took a pilgrimage to the shrine of St John Henry Newman. It was very special to have been able to join the celebration of Mass and have the opportunity for a blessing with the relic of St...
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  • 12/07/24

    Year 1 - Forest School

    Year 1 enjoyed a rainy session this week but this meant we found loads of bugs. The children were fascinated with the snails and the slugs. Well done Year 1! For more photos click here.
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  • 12/07/24

    Year 6 - World Faiths Week

    On Tuesday 9th July, Year 6 visited St Mary's Church in Walton to support our current RE lessons, exploring 'Encounter and Dialogue'.  We have been understanding how our 'World views' may be different and the importance of and having a respectful appreciation of di...
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